
Install NuScribe on your computer, and NuSite on your Android tablet/smartphone.

Required computer configuration

  • Operating System: Windows 10 Pro x64 Version 1809 Build 17763.107 or later
  • CPU: 64-bit, 2GHz, 2 cores
  • RAM: 32GB
  • Hard Drive: 1TB SSD
  • USB minimum 1 USB-3 port
  • Wi-Fi: required for NuWeb/NuSi

You need to setup your computer network configuration to be able to communicate with the Data Management Panel (DMP).

  1. Go in your Network & Internet Settings, change ethernet adapter options
  2. Change IPv4 properties to a static IP adress
  3. Use the following IP adress (or anything between 1 and 10 for the last segment)
  4. Subnet mask should be and others left empty (default)
  5. Select OK