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In the field

Install and start up the nodes

  1. Install the nodes along the desired profile.

    Setting up the nodes

    Depending on the field conditions, you might want to use either:

    • the manual deployment tool to dig a perfect fitted hole for the node
    • the custom blue land bases with spikes
  2. Use the bump tool to deploy the nodes. Slide the bump tool over the node cap and hold it for about one second until it starts flashing white, then quickly remove it while holding the node firmly into the ground.

    GPS fix

    The node will look for GPS signal fix, then will start recording data automatically.


    Make sure the bump tool is sliding parallel to the node cap. There is a risk to bend (and eventually break) the metal parts inside the bump tool.

  3. In the NuSite app, go to NRU, select each deployed node and click on Assign to set line and station number. For each station, the system will use the GPS coordinates of the tablet at the time of the assignment.


    Each of our nodes has been assigned with a fixed ID between 1 and 90, sorted by increasing serial number. In the NuSite app, you can sort nodes by serial number, and refer to the ID/Serial Number correspondence list to ease assignment in the field.

    ID / Serial numbers list
    ID Serial number
    1 310011576
    2 310011736
    3 310011740
    4 310011742
    5 310011751
    6 310011753
    7 310011764
    8 310011766
    9 310011776
    10 310011780
    11 310011782
    12 310011785
    13 310011795
    14 310011798
    15 310011804
    16 310011807
    17 310011808
    18 310011811
    19 310011814
    20 310011823
    21 310011824
    22 310011832
    23 310011835
    24 310011836
    25 310011845
    26 310011847
    27 310011851
    28 310011854
    29 310011859
    30 310011870
    31 310011888
    32 310011926
    33 310011987
    34 310014142
    35 310014383
    36 310014395
    37 310014396
    38 310014397
    39 310014401
    40 310014404
    41 310033655
    42 310034201
    43 310034204
    44 310034209
    45 310034224
    46 310034233
    47 310034234
    48 310034359
    49 310034433
    50 310034452
    51 310064177
    52 310064210
    53 310064298
    54 310064325
    55 310064328
    56 310064339
    57 310064370
    58 310064385
    59 310064391
    60 310064394
    61 310064401
    62 310064402
    63 310064403
    64 310064406
    65 310064409
    66 310064438
    67 310064439
    68 310064441
    69 310064495
    70 310064583
    71 310066685
    72 310066736
    73 310066760
    74 310066775
    75 310066836
    76 310067364
    77 310067383
    78 310067400
    79 310067447
    80 310067495
    81 310067502
    82 310067525
    83 310067617
    84 310073022
    85 310073104
    86 310073238
    87 310073390
    88 310073414
    89 310073990
    90 310076287


    Line and station assignment in the field can take time. Although recommended, it is not mandatory. If you know which node ID/serial number corresponds to which field station (e.g. written on a field notebook), you will be able to assign it later when back in the lab. The process is described below, but note that it is not straightforward.

Collect shots

  1. Connect the EVR-2 GPS seismic event recorder to the trigger and hammer source.

  2. Start the EVR-2 app on the tablet, then connect to the EVR-2 device.

  3. In Settings, select Clear shot history and Reset FFID at the start of a new survey to make sure you start with a clean list.

  4. Go in Generate points to create the list of shot stations and line numbers that you want to collect.


    To ease deployment, we usually use separate numbering for node stations and shot stations. For instance, if you use 90 nodes, and record shots in between each nodes and at both ends (i.e. 91 shots total), you will have node stations ranging from 1 to 90 in the NuSite app, and shot stations ranging from 1 to 91 in the EVR-2 app. Make sure you keep track of the correspondance between station number and position along your profile or grid coordinates in the field.

  5. Go in Shots, then check that you start with the correct Line and Station number.

  6. Collect shots along the line (use stack option if multiple shots at the same station, or choose correct station manually).


    You can discard bad shots in Shot history in the EVR-2 app, and thus prevent exporting the wrong time stamps.

End survey

  1. If collecting roll-along data, undeploy the nodes (turning them upside down for a couple sec.), then set them up at their new location.

  2. If collecting a new line with the same station assignment, you don't need to undeploy the nodes, simply set them up to their new location (but line number will not be correct).

  3. If ending the survey, simply store the nodes upside down in the carrying bag. They will undeploy automatically.

  4. In EVR-2 app., go in Shot history, then Output all shots with the button at the bottom-right of the screen.

  5. Connect smartphone to the ENDUROZCAR computer to download the newly created file (OB_date&time.txt)